Ashley Meredith for Iowa House

Ashley Meredith for Iowa House

Reelect No One

I envision an Iowa where traditional values are celebrated, individual liberties are respected, and all people are empowered.

As a healthcare professional and researcher with over 16 years of experience and a graduate degree in Nursing Education, I have dedicated my life to public service and advocacy. My personal journey has fueled my passion for justice and civil liberties.

My motivation stems from my own battle with the state over parental rights and witnessing the hardships of families in my community. I’m driven to ensure that no family suffers from unjust government intrusion. My commitment to family preservation and civil rights is unwavering.

What sets me apart is my personal experience with the very issues I’m fighting to change, combined with my professional expertise in health and policy. My hands-on approach in volunteering and advocacy, alongside my skills in multidisciplinary collaboration and community building, uniquely position me to serve Iowa House District 84 effectively.

It is time we show our elected officials that we are FED UP!

Unique Perspective, Innovative Solutions

I believe Thomas Gerhold has done a commendable job representing District 84. While we do have similar backgrounds in health care and research, I am confident that my hands-on experience working with Eastern Iowa families from all walks of life will bring practical and realistic solutions to our state.

My opponent, Thomas Gerhold (R) may argue that my past and my unconventional approach to life do not align with traditional methods. However, I believe that my life experiences and determination to persevere have adequately prepared me for the responsibilities of a legislator. It is clear that the current systems are not working; innovative solutions are what our state needs.

Mr. Gerhold will likely emphasize his longstanding political career, positioning himself as the traditional choice for the Iowa House of Representatives – District 84. He has been in office since 2018 and has experience in political representation, which he will use as a key point in his campaign.

Support the Campaign!

Ashley's BITMOJI pointing to a sign that says "WE NEED YOUR HELP!"
Thank you in advance for doing your part to help support Ashley Meredith for Iowa House!

Ashley knows, as a 3rd party candidate, that she has an uphill battle against the incumbent Representative Thomas Gerhold (R)!

You can help to support the campaign by making a donation to help pay for campaign expenses and marketing materials!

Spread the Word!

It is clear that certain social media algorithms are working against our mission to spread the word about her as a candidate! You can help us spread the word by sharing this page with your family and friends!


If you are interested in volunteering for the campaign, please contact us!

We would LOVE to have you on the team!

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Together, we can get Ashley Meredith elected to represent district 84 in the Iowa House of Representatives!

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